Source code for datadings.sets.VOC2012_write

"""Create Pascal VOC 2012 dataset files.

This tool will look for the following files in the input directory
and download them if necessary:

- VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar

See also:
import os.path as pt
import tarfile
import random
import io
from PIL import Image

import numpy as np

from ..writer import FileWriter
from import make_printer
from . import ImageSegmentationData
from .VOC2012 import COLORS
from import document_keys

__doc__ += document_keys(ImageSegmentationData)

    'trainval': {
        'url': BASE_URL+'VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar',
        'path': 'VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar',
        'md5': '6cd6e144f989b92b3379bac3b3de84fd',
    'train': 1464,
    'val': 1449,

[docs]def imagedata_to_array(data): bio = io.BytesIO(data) im ='RGB') return np.array(im)
[docs]def array_to_imagedata(im, format, **kwargs): bio = io.BytesIO() Image.fromarray(im, 'L').save(bio, format, **kwargs) return bio.getvalue()
[docs]def single_value(a): s = a.shape[:-1] b = np.zeros(s, dtype=np.uint32) np.bitwise_or(b, a[..., 0], out=b) np.left_shift(b, 8, out=b) np.bitwise_or(b, a[..., 1], out=b) np.left_shift(b, 8, out=b) np.bitwise_or(b, a[..., 2], out=b) return b
MSINGLE = single_value(COLORS)
[docs]def map_color_image(im): im = single_value(im) h, w = im.shape im = im.reshape((h, w, 1)) m = MSINGLE.reshape((1, 1, -1)) return (im == m).argmax(axis=2).astype(np.uint8)
[docs]def write_image(writer, filename, im, seg): seg = imagedata_to_array(seg) seg = map_color_image(seg) seg = array_to_imagedata(seg, 'PNG', optimize=True) writer.write(ImageSegmentationData( filename, im, seg, ))
[docs]def extract(tar, path): return extractmember(tar, tar.getmember(path))
[docs]def extractmember(tar, member): return tar.extractfile(member).read()
[docs]def get_imageset(tar, path): return extract(tar, path).decode('utf-8').strip('\n').split('\n')
def _prepare_indir(): root_dir = pt.join('VOCdevkit', 'VOC2012') sets_dir = pt.join(root_dir, 'ImageSets', 'Segmentation') image_dir = pt.join(root_dir, 'JPEGImages') seg_dir = pt.join(root_dir, 'SegmentationClass') return sets_dir, image_dir, seg_dir
[docs]def write_set(tar, split, outdir, args): sets_dir, image_dir, seg_dir = _prepare_indir() outpath = pt.join(outdir, split+'.msgpack') with FileWriter(outpath, total=TOTAL[split], overwrite=args.no_confirm) as writer: sets_path = pt.join(sets_dir, '%s.txt' % split) images = get_imageset(tar, sets_path) if args.shuffle: random.shuffle(images) for name in images: im = extract(tar, pt.join(image_dir, name) + '.jpg') seg = extract(tar, pt.join(seg_dir, name) + '.png') write_image(writer, name, im, seg)
[docs]def write_sets(files, outdir, args): with tarfile.TarFile(files['trainval']['path']) as tar: for split in ('train', 'val'): try: write_set(tar, split, outdir, args) except FileExistsError: pass
[docs]def class_counts(gen, **kwargs): counts = np.float64([]) printer = make_printer(desc='class counts', **kwargs) with printer: for segmap in gen: printer() cs = np.bincount(segmap.ravel()).astype(np.float64) / segmap.size if len(cs) <= len(counts): counts[:len(cs)] += cs else: cs[:len(counts)] += counts counts = cs print('%d samples analyzed' % printer.n) counts = {int(c): float(counts[c]) for c in np.nonzero(counts)[0]} return counts
[docs]def sorted_values(d): return [d[k] for k in sorted(d)]
def _segmap(tar, seg_dir, name): return map_color_image( imagedata_to_array( extract(tar, pt.join(seg_dir, name) + '.png') ) )
[docs]def calculate_set_weights(files): sets_dir, _, seg_dir = _prepare_indir() with tarfile.TarFile(files['trainval']['path']) as tar: for split in ('train', 'val'): print(split, 'weights') sets_path = pt.join(sets_dir, '%s.txt' % split) images = get_imageset(tar, sets_path) gen = (_segmap(tar, seg_dir, name) for name in images) counts = class_counts(gen) print_values('INDEXES', sorted(counts)) print_values('COUNTS', sorted_values(counts))
[docs]def main(): from import make_parser from import argument_calculate_weights from import prepare_indir parser = make_parser(__doc__) argument_calculate_weights(parser) args = parser.parse_args() outdir = args.outdir or args.indir files = prepare_indir(FILES, args) if args.calculate_weights: calculate_set_weights(files) else: write_sets(files, outdir, args)
if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: print()