
Each dataset defines modules to read and write in the datadings.sets package. For most datasets the reading module only contains additional metadata like class labels and distributions.

Let’s consider the MIT1003 dataset as an example.

MIT1003_write is an executable that creates dataset files. It can be called directly python -m datadings.sets.MIT1003_write or through datadings-write. Three files will be written:

  • MIT1003.msgpack contains sample data

  • MIT1003.msgpack.index contains index for random access

  • MIT1003.msgpack.md5 contains MD5 hashes of both files

Reading all samples sequentially, using a MsgpackReader as a context manager:

from datadings.reader import MsgpackReader
with MsgpackReader('MIT1003.msgpack') as reader:
    for sample in reader:
        # do dataset things!

This standard iterator returns dictionaries. Use reader.iter(raw=True) to get samples as messagepack encoded bytes instead.

Reading specific samples:

i = reader.find_index('i14020903.jpeg')

Reading samples as raw bytes:

raw = reader.get(100, raw=True)
for raw in reader.iter(raw=True):
    print(type(raw), len(raw))

Number of samples:


You can also change the order and selection of iterated samples with Augments. For example, to randomize the order of samples, wrap the reader in a Shuffler:

from datadings.reader import Shuffler
with Shuffler(MsgpackReader('MIT1003.msgpack')) as reader:
    for sample in reader:
        # do dataset things, but in random order!

Alternatively the QuasiShuffler offers slightly less random, but much faster iteration. It keeps a buffer of samples and reads random chunks instead of single samples. Randomness increases with bigger buffers.

A common use case is to iterate over the whole dataset multiple times. This can be done with the Cycler:

from datadings.reader import Cycler
with Cycler(MsgpackReader('MIT1003.msgpack')) as reader:
    for sample in reader:
        # do dataset things, but FOREVER!