Source code for datadings.sets.SALICON2015_write

"""Create SALICON 2015 challenge data set files.

This tool will look for the following files in the input directory
and download them if necessary:


See also:
import os.path as pt
from zipfile import ZipFile
import random

import numpy as np

from ..writer import FileWriter
from . import SaliencyData
from . import SaliencyTimeseriesExperiment
from import yield_threaded
from import loadmat
from import document_keys

__doc__ += document_keys(
        prefix='Each experiment has the following keys:'

    'images': {
        'path': '',
        'url': BASE_URL+'1g8j-hTT-51IG1UFwP0xTGhLdgIUCW5e5&export=download',
        'md5': 'eb2a1bb706633d1b31fc2e01422c5757',
    'fixations': {
        'path': '',
        'url': BASE_URL+'0B2hsWbciDVedWHFiMUVVWFRZTE0&export=download',
        'md5': '9a22db9d718200fb90252e5010c004c4',

[docs]def get_keys(imagezip, split): keys = [name.replace('.jpg', '').replace('images/', '') for name in imagezip.namelist() if name.endswith('.jpg')] return [key for key in keys if key.startswith(split)]
[docs]def yield_samples(keys, imagezip, fixationzip): for key in keys: img ='images/' + key + '.jpg') mat = loadmat( + '.mat')) if 'gaze' in mat: experiments = [ SaliencyTimeseriesExperiment( subject[0].astype(np.float32).reshape((-1, 2)), # locations None, subject[1].astype(np.float32).flatten(), # timestamps subject[2].astype(np.float32).reshape((-1, 2)), # fixations ) for subject in mat['gaze'][0] ] else: experiments = [] yield SaliencyData(key, img, experiments)
[docs]def write_set(split, gen, outdir, total): with FileWriter(pt.join(outdir, split + '.msgpack'), total=total) as writer: for sample in gen: writer.write(sample)
[docs]def write_sets(files, outdir, args): with ZipFile(files['images']['path']) as imagezip, \ ZipFile(files['fixations']['path']) as fixationzip: for split in ('train', 'val', 'test'): keys = get_keys(imagezip, split) if args.shuffle: random.shuffle(keys) gen = yield_threaded(yield_samples(keys, imagezip, fixationzip)) try: write_set(split, gen, outdir, len(keys)) except FileExistsError: pass
[docs]def main(): from import make_parser from import prepare_indir parser = make_parser(__doc__) args = parser.parse_args() outdir = args.outdir or args.indir files = prepare_indir(FILES, args) write_sets(files, outdir, args)
if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: print()