Source code for datadings.sets.Places365_write

"""Create Places365 data set files.
You can choose between any combination of

- high or low resolution images and
- standard or challenge (extended) training data set

This tool will look for the following files in the input directory
depending on the chosen version and download them if necessary:

- standard (large)

    - train_large_places365standard.tar (105 GB)
    - val_large.tar (2.1 GB)
    - test_large.tar (19 GB)
- standard (small)

    - train_256_places365standard.tar (24 GB)
    - val_256.tar (501 MB)
    - test_256.tar (4.4 GB)
- challenge (large)

    - train_large_places365challenge.tar (476 GB)
    - val_large.tar (2.1 GB)
    - test_large.tar (19 GB)
- challenge (small)

    - train_256_places365challenge.tar (108 GB)
    - val_256.tar (501 MB)
    - test_256.tar (4.4 GB)

See also:

    For performance reasons shuffling is not available. It is recommended
    to use the datadings-shuffle command to create a shuffled copy.
import os
import os.path as pt
import tarfile
import io

from import download_files_if_not_found
from import verify_files
from import yield_threaded
from ..writer import FileWriter
from . import ImageClassificationData
from . import ImageData
from .Places365 import CLASS_TO_ID
from import document_keys

__doc__ += document_keys(ImageClassificationData)

READ_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024


[docs]def file_spec(path, md5, total=None): spec = {"url": BASE_URL + path, "path": path, "md5": md5} if total is not None: spec["total"] = total return spec
FILES_META = { "meta": file_spec("filelist_places365-standard.tar", "35a0585fee1fa656440f3ab298f8479c"), } FILES_LARGE_VAL_TEST = { "validation": file_spec("val_large.tar", "9b71c4993ad89d2d8bcbdc4aef38042f", 36500), "testing": file_spec("test_large.tar", "41a4b6b724b1d2cd862fb3871ed59913", 328500), **FILES_META } FILES_256_VAL_TEST = { "validation": file_spec("val_256.tar", "e27b17d8d44f4af9a78502beb927f808", 36500), "testing": file_spec("test_256.tar", "f532f6ad7b582262a2ec8009075e186b", 328500), **FILES_META } FILES_LARGE_STANDARD = { "training": file_spec("train_large_places365standard.tar", "67e186b496a84c929568076ed01a8aa1", 1803460), **FILES_LARGE_VAL_TEST } FILES_LARGE_CHALLENGE = { "training": file_spec("train_large_places365challenge.tar", "605f18e68e510c82b958664ea134545f", 8000000), **FILES_LARGE_VAL_TEST } FILES_256_STANDARD = { "training": file_spec("train_256_places365standard.tar", "53ca1c756c3d1e7809517cc47c5561c5", 1803460), **FILES_256_VAL_TEST } FILES_256_CHALLENGE = { "training": file_spec("train_256_places365challenge.tar", "741915038a5e3471ec7332404dfb64ef", 8000000), **FILES_256_VAL_TEST } # (large/256, standard/challenge) FILES = { (False, False): FILES_LARGE_STANDARD, (False, True): FILES_LARGE_CHALLENGE, (True, False): FILES_256_STANDARD, (True, True): FILES_256_CHALLENGE, }
[docs]def get_files(challenge, low_res): return FILES[(low_res, challenge)]
def _write_set(generator, data_cls, out_path, total, overwrite): try: with FileWriter(out_path, total=total, overwrite=overwrite) as writer: for member, data, data_args in generator: writer.write(data_cls(, data, *data_args, )) except FileExistsError: pass def _yield_from_training_folder_structure(data_tar): for member in data_tar: if not member.isfile() or not".jpg"): continue label = "/".join([2:-1]) data = data_tar.extractfile(member).read() yield member, data, (CLASS_TO_ID[label],) def _yield_from_meta_tar_files_list(data_tar, meta_tar, files_list_fn): fd = meta_tar.extractfile(files_list_fn) classes = {} for line in io.TextIOWrapper(fd, encoding="utf-8").readlines(): try: image_fn, class_id = line.split() classes[image_fn] = int(class_id), # put tuples for later except ValueError: break # unlabeled data for member in data_tar: if not member.isfile() or not".jpg"): continue data = data_tar.extractfile(member).read() # either label in tuple or empty tuple label = classes.get(pt.basename(, ()) yield member, data, label def _write_training_set(indir, outdir, args): files = get_files(args.challenge, args.low_res)["training"] tar_path = pt.join(indir, files["path"]) out_path = pt.join(outdir, "training.msgpack") with, "r", bufsize=READ_SIZE) as tar: gen = yield_threaded(_yield_from_training_folder_structure(tar)) _write_set(gen, ImageClassificationData, out_path, files["total"], args.no_confirm) def _write_validation_set(indir, outdir, meta_tar, args): files = get_files(args.challenge, args.low_res)["validation"] tar_path = pt.join(indir, files["path"]) out_path = pt.join(outdir, "validation.msgpack") with, "r", bufsize=READ_SIZE) as data_tar: gen = yield_threaded(_yield_from_meta_tar_files_list( data_tar, meta_tar, "places365_val.txt" )) _write_set(gen, ImageClassificationData, out_path, files["total"], args.no_confirm) def _write_testing_set(indir, outdir, meta_tar, args): files = get_files(args.challenge, args.low_res)["testing"] tar_path = pt.join(indir, files["path"]) out_path = pt.join(outdir, "testing.msgpack") with, "r", bufsize=READ_SIZE) as data_tar: gen = yield_threaded(_yield_from_meta_tar_files_list( data_tar, meta_tar, "places365_test.txt" )) _write_set(gen, ImageData, out_path, files["total"], args.no_confirm)
[docs]def write_sets(indir, outdir, args): files = get_files(args.challenge, args.low_res) download_files_if_not_found(files, indir) if not args.skip_verification: verify_files(files, indir) meta_tar_path = pt.join(indir, files["meta"]["path"]) _write_training_set(indir, outdir, args) with, "r", bufsize=READ_SIZE) as meta_tar: _write_validation_set(indir, outdir, meta_tar, args) _write_testing_set(indir, outdir, meta_tar, args)
[docs]def main(): from import make_parser parser = make_parser(__doc__, shuffle=False) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--low-res", action="store_true", help="Download the resized and cropped images (256x256). " "Default are images with minimum dimension of 512 and preserved " "aspect ratio." ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--challenge", action="store_true", help="Download the extended challenge training dataset. Validation and " "testing are the same." ) args = parser.parse_args() outdir = args.outdir or args.indir write_sets(args.indir, outdir, args)
if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: print()