Source code for datadings.sets.ImageNet21k_write

"""Create ImageNet21k winter release data set files.

This tool will look for the following files in the input directory:

- winter21_whole.tar.gz

See also:

    Registration is required to download this dataset.
    Please visit the website to download it.
    If you experience issues downloading you may consider using bittorrent:

    For performance reasons samples are read in same order as they are stored
    in the source tar files. It is recommended to use the datadings-shuffle
    command to create a shuffled copy.
import tarfile
import itertools as it
from pathlib import Path
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool

from import document_keys
from import yield_process
from ..writer import FileWriter
from . import ImageNet21kData
from .ILSVRC2012_write import verify_image
from .ImageNet21k_synsets import SYNSETS
from .ImageNet21k_synsets import SYNSET_TREE_LIST
from .ImageNet21k_synsets import NUM_TRAIN_SAMPLES
from .ImageNet21k_synsets import NUM_VAL_SAMPLES
from .ImageNet21k_synsets import VAL_SAMPLES_PER_SYNSET

__doc__ += document_keys(ImageNet21kData)

    'tree': {
        'url': "" \
                + "ImageNet_21K_P/resources/winter21/imagenet21k_miil_tree.pth",
        'path': 'imagenet21k_miil_tree.pth',
        'md5': 'ed3a7de5b90ace4999a99fca2a129d74',
    'data': {
        'url': None,
        'path': 'winter21_whole.tar.gz',
        'md5': 'ab313ce03179fd803a401b02c651c0a2',

[docs]def yield_samples(infile): # open the dataset file in streaming mode (r|gz) with, mode='r|gz') as tar: for synset in tar: name = Path( if synset.isfile() and name in SYNSETS: label = SYNSETS[name] label_tree = SYNSET_TREE_LIST[label] # use streaming mode (r|), since the parent file is not seekable synset_tar =, mode='r|') # sort images by name, as would be done by ls/glob # this ensures the first 50 images used for the validation set # are the same as in the Alibaba preprocessing script: # images = iter(sorted( (, synset_tar.extractfile(info).read()) for info in synset_tar )) val_images = it.islice(images, VAL_SAMPLES_PER_SYNSET) for name, data in val_images: yield 'val', name, data, label, label_tree for name, data in images: yield 'train', name, data, label, label_tree
[docs]def write_sets(files, outdir, args): gen = yield_process(yield_samples(files['data']['path'])) def __verify_inner(item): split, key, data, label, label_tree = item data = verify_image(data, args.compress, colorsubsampling=args.subsampling) return split, ImageNet21kData(key, data, label, label_tree) trainfile = outdir / 'train.msgpack' valfile = outdir / 'val.msgpack' pool = ThreadPool(args.threads) train_writer = FileWriter( trainfile, total=NUM_TRAIN_SAMPLES, overwrite=args.no_confirm, ) val_writer = FileWriter( valfile, total=NUM_VAL_SAMPLES, overwrite=args.no_confirm, ) with train_writer, val_writer: for split, sample in pool.imap_unordered(__verify_inner, gen): if sample['image'] is None: print(f"{split} sample {sample['key']} failed verification") continue if split == 'train': train_writer.write(sample) elif split == 'val': val_writer.write(sample) else: raise ValueError(f'unknown split {split!r}')
[docs]def main(): from import make_parser from import argument_threads from import prepare_indir from .ILSVRC2012_write import argument_compress from .ILSVRC2012_write import argument_subsampling parser = make_parser(__doc__, shuffle=False) argument_threads(parser, default=1) argument_compress(parser) argument_subsampling(parser) args = parser.parse_args() outdir = Path(args.outdir or args.indir) files = prepare_indir(FILES, args) write_sets(files, outdir, args)
if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: print()