Source code for datadings.commands.convert_index

"""Convert the legacy index of dataset a to the new style.
from pathlib import Path

from import path_append
from import hash_md5hex
from ..index import legacy_load_index
from ..index import write_keys
from ..index import write_key_hashes
from ..index import write_filter
from ..index import write_offsets

[docs]def convert_index(path, outdir): path = Path(path) # remove .index suffix, write functions implicitly add correct suffix if path.suffix == '.index': path = path.with_suffix('') keys, positions = legacy_load_index(path) outpath = (outdir or path.parent) / paths = [ write_keys(keys, outpath), write_key_hashes(keys, outpath), write_filter(keys, outpath), write_offsets(positions, outpath), ] new_suffixes = set(path.suffix for path in paths) with path_append(outpath, '.md5').open('r', encoding='utf-8') as f: md5_lines = [ line for line in f if Path(line.strip('\n')).suffix not in new_suffixes ] with path_append(outpath, '.md5').open('w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in md5_lines: f.write(line) for path in paths: f.write(f'{hash_md5hex(path)} {}\n')
[docs]def main(): from import make_parser_simple from import argument_infile from import argument_outdir parser = make_parser_simple(__doc__) argument_infile(parser) argument_outdir(parser) args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() convert_index(args.infile, args.outdir)
[docs]def entry(): try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: print()
if __name__ == '__main__': entry()