Source code for datadings.sets.YFCC100m

The Yahoo Flickr Creative Commons 100 Million (YFCC100m) dataset.

    Only images are included.
    No videos or metadata.

See also:

    This code is intended to load a pre-release version of the
    YFCC100m dataset.
    Please complain if you want to use the release version available
    from amazon:

import os
import os.path as pt
import zipfile
import re
import io
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
from simplejpeg import decode_jpeg
from PIL import Image

from ..reader import Reader
from import unpack
from import make_packer
from . import ImageData
from .YFCC100m_counts import FILE_COUNTS
from .YFCC100m_counts import FILES_TOTAL
from import document_keys
from import open_comp

__doc__ += document_keys(ImageData)

ROOT = pt.abspath(pt.dirname(__file__))
REJECTED_PATH = pt.join(ROOT, 'YFCC100m_rejected_images.msgpack.xz')

[docs]def noop(data): return data
[docs]def decode_fast(data): try: # decode JPEGs at reduced scale for speedup return decode_jpeg( data, 'gray', fastdct=True, fastupsample=True, min_height=1, min_width=1 ) except ValueError: # use pillow in case anything goes wrong bio = io.BytesIO(data) return np.array('L'))
[docs]def validate_image(data): if len(data) < 2600 or len(data) == 9218: return None try: im = decode_fast(data) # if only small amounts of data, check for meaningful content, # i.e., at least 5% of all lines in image show some variance if len(data) < 20000 and np.percentile(im.var(0), 95) < 50: return None return data except (ValueError, IOError, OSError): return None
def _find_zip_key(rejected, zips, key): z, f = key.split(os.sep) try: zip_index = zips.index(z) except ValueError: raise IndexError('ZIP file {!r} not found'.format(z)) partial_index = 0 for z, count in FILE_COUNTS[:zip_index]: partial_index += count - len(rejected[z]) return zip_index, f, partial_index def _find_zip_index(rejects, index): total = FILES_TOTAL for z, _ in FILE_COUNTS: total -= len(rejects[z]) if index < 0: index += total if index < 0 or index >= total: raise IndexError('index {} out of range for {} items'.format( index, total - 1 )) partial_index = 0 for i, (z, count) in enumerate(FILE_COUNTS): count -= len(rejects[z]) if partial_index + count > index: return i, index - partial_index, partial_index partial_index += count def _filter_zipinfo(infos): p = re.compile(r'/[0-9a-f]+$') return [info for info in infos if] def _find_member_image(members, rejected, start_image): if not start_image: return members for i, m in enumerate(members): if m.filename.split(os.sep)[1] == start_image: if i in rejected: raise IndexError( '{!r} is on the rejected list'.format(m.filename) ) return i raise IndexError('{!r} not found'.format(start_image)) def _find_member_index(rejected, start_index): for r in rejected: if start_index > r: start_index += 1 else: break return start_index def _find_start( path, rejected, start_key='', start_index=0 ): if start_index and start_key: raise ValueError('cannot set both start_key and start_index') zips = [f for f, _ in FILE_COUNTS] # find out which zipfile to start from if start_index: zip_index, start_index, partial_index = _find_zip_index(rejected, start_index) start_image = '' elif start_key: zip_index, start_image, partial_index = _find_zip_key(rejected, zips, start_key) else: return zips, 0, 0 z = zips[zip_index] r = rejected[z] with zipfile.ZipFile(pt.join(path, z) + '.zip') as imagezip: # z must be bytes so the set of rejected images is found in py3 # filter out non-image members members = _filter_zipinfo(imagezip.infolist()) if start_index: start_index = _find_member_index(r, start_index) elif start_image: start_index = _find_member_image(members, r, start_image) return zips[zip_index:], start_index, partial_index def _yield_from_zips( path, zips, rejected, start_index, validator=noop, ): for z in zips: with zipfile.ZipFile(pt.join(path, z) + '.zip') as imagezip: r = rejected[z] # filter out non-image members members = _filter_zipinfo(imagezip.infolist()) for i, m in enumerate(members[start_index:], start_index): if i in r: continue f = m.filename yield validator(, f, z, i start_index = 0 def _parse_rejected(path, rejected): try: with open_comp(path, "rb") as f: new_rejected = unpack(f) for z, r in new_rejected.items(): rejected[z].update(r) return rejected except ValueError: with open_comp(path, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: z, i = line.strip("\n").split(' ') rejected[z].add(int(i)) return rejected
[docs]class DevNull(object):
[docs] def read(self, *_): pass
[docs] def write(self, *_): pass
[docs] def close(self): pass
[docs]class YFCC100mReader(Reader): """ Special reader for the YFCC100m dataset only. It reads images from 10000 ZIP files of roughly 10000 images each. One pass over the whole dataset was made to filter out irrelevant images if one of the following conditions is met: - Image is damaged/incomplete. - Less than 2600 bytes. - Exactly 9218 bytes - a placeholder image from Flickr. - Less than 20000 bytes and less than 5% of lines in the image have a variance less than 50. Which images are rejected is controlled by the files given as ``reject_file_paths``. Set this to None or empty list to iterate over the whole dataset. Parameters: image_packs_dir: Path to directory with image ZIP files. validator: Callable ``validator(data: bytes) -> Union[bytes, None]``. Validates images before they are returned. Receives image data and returns data or ``None``. Warning: A validating reader cannot be copied and it is strongly discourages to copy readers with ``error_file`` paths. Warning: Methods``get``, ``slice``, ``find_index``, ``find_key``, ``seek_index``, and ``seek_key`` are considerably slower for this reader compared to others. Use iterators and large ``slice`` ranges instead. """ _do_not_copy = ('_gen', '_error_file') def __init__( self, image_packs_dir, validator=noop, reject_file_paths=(REJECTED_PATH,), error_file=None, error_file_mode='a', ): super().__init__() self._path = image_packs_dir if not callable(validator): raise ValueError('validator must be callable, not %r' % validator) self._validator = validator self._rejected = defaultdict(lambda: set()) for path in reject_file_paths or (): self._rejected = _parse_rejected(path, self._rejected) self._packer = make_packer() self._error_file_args = error_file, error_file_mode self._error_file = None self.open_error_file_() self._gen = None self.seek_index(0) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.__del__() def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, '_error_file'): self._error_file.close() def __len__(self): return FILES_TOTAL - sum(len(r) for r in self._rejected.values()) def __contains__(self, key): try: self.find_index(key) return True except IndexError: return False def __copy__(self): if self._validator != noop: raise RuntimeError('cannot copy a validating reader') reader = super().__copy__() reader.open_error_file_() reader.seek_index(self._i) return reader
[docs] def open_error_file_(self): error_file, error_file_mode = self._error_file_args if error_file is None: self._error_file = DevNull() else: self._error_file = open(error_file, error_file_mode)
def _get_next_sample(self, gen): while True: sample, key, z, i = next(gen) if i in self._rejected[z]: continue if sample is None: self._rejected[z].add(i) self._error_file.write('%s %d\n' % (z, i)) else: break return ImageData(key, sample)
[docs] def next(self): return self._get_next_sample(self._gen)
__next__ = next
[docs] def rawnext(self): return self._packer.pack(
[docs] def find_index(self, key): zips, start_index, index = _find_start( self._path, self._rejected, start_key=key ) # count up to start_index in zip and all samples # that are not in rejected to index r = self._rejected[zips[0]] for i in range(start_index): if i not in r: index += 1 if index != 0 and self._validator != noop: raise RuntimeError('found index may be incorrect while validating') return start_index
[docs] def find_key(self, index): if index != 0 and self._validator != noop: raise RuntimeError('found key may be incorrect while validating') zips, start_index, _ = _find_start( self._path, self._rejected, start_index=index ) gen = _yield_from_zips( self._path, zips, self._rejected, start_index, self._validator, ) sample, key, _, _ = next(gen) return key
[docs] def seek_index(self, index): if index != 0 and self._validator != noop: raise RuntimeError('can only seek to start while validating') zips, start_index, _ = _find_start( self._path, self._rejected, start_index=index ) self._gen = _yield_from_zips( self._path, zips, self._rejected, start_index, self._validator, ) self._i = index
[docs] def seek_key(self, key): zips, start_index, index = _find_start( self._path, self._rejected, start_key=key ) # count up to start_index in zip and all samples # that are not in rejected to index r = self._rejected[zips[0]] for i in range(start_index): if i not in r: index += 1 if index != 0 and self._validator != noop: raise RuntimeError('can only seek to start while validating') self._gen = _yield_from_zips( self._path, zips, self._rejected, start_index, self._validator, ) self._i = index
[docs] def get(self, index, yield_key=False, raw=False, copy=True): if index != 0 and self._validator != noop: raise RuntimeError('can only seek to start while validating') zips, start_index, _ = _find_start( self._path, self._rejected, start_index=index ) gen = _yield_from_zips( self._path, zips, self._rejected, start_index, self._validator, ) return self._get_next_sample(gen)
def _iter_impl( self, start=None, stop=None, yield_key=False, raw=False, copy=True, chunk_size=16, ): if start != 0 and self._validator != noop: raise RuntimeError('can only seek to start while validating') start, stop, _ = slice(start, stop).indices(len(self)) zips, start_index, _ = _find_start( self._path, self._rejected, start_index=start ) gen = _yield_from_zips( self._path, zips, self._rejected, start_index, self._validator, ) if raw: pack = self._packer.pack else: pack = noop if yield_key: for i in range(start, stop): sample = self._get_next_sample(gen) self._i = i yield sample['key'], pack(sample) else: for i in range(start, stop): sample = self._get_next_sample(gen) self._i = i yield pack(sample)
[docs] def slice(self, start, stop=None, yield_key=False, raw=False, copy=True): return self._iter_impl(start, stop, yield_key, raw, copy)
[docs]def main(): import argparse from import make_printer from import print_over parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Load and decode every image from given image packs. ' 'If an image either does not decode properly or does ' 'not contain useful content, its containing zip file ' 'and name are written to the reject file.') parser.add_argument( 'image_packs', type=str, help='path to directory of image zip files', ) parser.add_argument( '-r', '--rejectfile', type=str, help='path to rejected images log file', ) args = parser.parse_args() printer = make_printer(total=100000000) reader = YFCC100mReader( args.image_packs, validator=validate_image, reject_file_paths=(), error_file=args.rejectfile ) for key, data in reader.iter(yield_key=True): if data['image'] is None: print('rejected', key) printer.update() print_over(printer.total_updates, 'images passed testing')
if __name__ == '__main__': main()