Source code for datadings.reader.msgpack

from typing import Union

from pathlib import Path
import warnings

from .reader import Reader
from import path_append
from import load_md5file
from import hash_md5hex
from import hash_string
from import cached_property
from import unpackb
from ..index import keys_len
from ..index import load_offsets
from ..index import load_keys
from ..index import hash_keys
from ..index import load_key_hashes
from ..index import load_filter
from ..index import legacy_index_len
from ..index import legacy_load_index
from ..index import SUFFIX_LEGACY_INDEX
from ..index import SUFFIX_OFFSETS
from ..index import SUFFIX_KEYS
from ..index import SUFFIX_KEY_HASHES
from ..index import SUFFIX_FILTER

def _raise_if_none_of_paths_exists(*paths):
    if not any(path.exists() for path in paths):
        if len(paths) > 1:
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                'need at least one of '
                + (', '.join(map(str, paths)))
                + ' but none found'
            raise FileNotFoundError(f'{paths[0]} not found')

def _warn_if_path_not_exists(path, suffix):
    path = path_append(path, suffix)
    if not path.exists():
        warnings.warn(f'{path} not found, some functionality may not be available')

[docs]class MsgpackReader(Reader): """ Reader for msgpack files in the :ref:`datadings format description<file-format>`. Needs at least data and index file. For example, if the dataset file is ``some_dir/dataset.msgpack``, then the reader will attempt to load the index from ``some_dir/dataset.msgpack.index``. Can optionally verify the integrity of data and index files if the md5 file ``some_dir/dataset.msgpack.md5`` is present. Parameters: path: Dataset file to load. buffering: Read buffer size in bytes. Raises: IOError: If dataset or index cannot be loaded. """ _do_not_copy = '_infile' def __init__( self, path: Union[str, Path], buffering=0 ): super().__init__() path = Path(path) # check existence of data file if not path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{path} not found') # check existence of legacy or new-style index _raise_if_none_of_paths_exists( path_append(path, SUFFIX_OFFSETS), path_append(path, SUFFIX_LEGACY_INDEX), ) # check existence of optional files _warn_if_path_not_exists(path, SUFFIX_KEYS) _warn_if_path_not_exists(path, SUFFIX_KEY_HASHES) _warn_if_path_not_exists(path, SUFFIX_FILTER) self._path = path self._buffering = buffering # try to init from new-style index try: self._len = keys_len(path) # new-style index not found, try legacy index except FileNotFoundError: self._len = legacy_index_len(path) def __len__(self): return self._len def _close(self): if '_infile' in self.__dict__: f = self._infile if not f.closed: f.close() del self.__dict__['_infile'] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._close() def __del__(self): self._close() @cached_property def _legacy_index(self): return legacy_load_index(self._path) @cached_property def _keys(self): try: return load_keys(self._path) except FileNotFoundError: return self._legacy_index[0] @cached_property def _offsets(self): try: return load_offsets(self._path) except FileNotFoundError: return self._legacy_index[1] @cached_property def _filter(self): return load_filter(self._path) @cached_property def _hash_to_index(self): try: salt, hashes = load_key_hashes(self._path) except FileNotFoundError: salt, hashes = hash_keys(self._keys) return salt, {int(h): i for i, h in enumerate(hashes)} @cached_property def _infile(self): return open(self._path, 'rb', self._buffering)
[docs] def find_index(self, key): salt, hash_to_index = self._hash_to_index h = hash_string(key, salt) try: return hash_to_index[h] except KeyError: raise KeyError(key)
def __contains__(self, key): if key in self._filter: salt, hash_to_index = self._hash_to_index h = hash_string(key, salt) return h in hash_to_index else: return False
[docs] def find_key(self, index): return self._keys[index]
[docs] def get(self, index, yield_key=False, raw=False, copy=True): pos = self._offsets offset = pos[index] n = pos[index+1] - offset f = self._infile, 0) data = if not raw: data = unpackb(data) if yield_key: return self._keys[index], data else: return data
[docs] def slice(self, start, stop=None, yield_key=False, raw=False, copy=True): start, stop, _ = slice(start, stop).indices(self._len) pos = self._offsets # avoid lazy-loading keys if not necessary if yield_key: key = self._keys else: key = None offset = pos[start] n = pos[stop] - offset f = self._infile, 0) buf = if not copy: buf = memoryview(buf) if yield_key: if raw: for i in range(start, stop): yield key[i], buf[pos[i] - offset:pos[i+1] - offset] else: for i in range(start, stop): yield key[i], unpackb(buf[pos[i] - offset:pos[i+1] - offset]) else: if raw: for i in range(start, stop): yield buf[pos[i] - offset:pos[i+1] - offset] else: for i in range(start, stop): yield unpackb(buf[pos[i] - offset:pos[i+1] - offset])
[docs] def verify_data(self, read_size=512*1024, progress=False): """ Hash the dataset file and verify against the md5 file. Parameters: read_size: Read-ahead size in bytes. progress: display progress Returns: True if verification was successful. """ path = self._path hashes = load_md5file(path_append(path, '.md5')) md5 = hash_md5hex(path, read_size, progress) return hashes[] == md5
[docs] def verify_index(self, read_size=512*1024, progress=False): """ Hash the index file and verify against the md5 file. Parameters: read_size: Read-ahead size in bytes. progress: display progress Returns: True if verification was successful. """ path = self._path hashes = load_md5file(path_append(path, '.md5')) index_path = path_append(path, SUFFIX_LEGACY_INDEX) md5 = hash_md5hex(index_path, read_size, progress) return hashes[] == md5